Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Everyone can see what is happening around the world due to this global pandemic which is putting everybody’s life under threat. 
I am deeply saddened by the ones who lost their lives and people related to them. I am also in solidarity with them who are affected and fighting their best to recover. And of course, massive THANKS go to the health workers, social workers and others who are directly or indirectly related to this meritorious act. Moreover, I am glad to see the patience of our people who are coming together adhering to follow the government’s instructions and isolating themselves.

View from my window. Thanks to the British weather. It is becoming warmer, brighter, sunnier and more cheerful since the lockdown started.
P.S. Ignore my dirty window-glass. 

In my case, due to the lockdown, the COVID made me more punctual but unfortunately transformed into becoming a glutton. I do feel like eating within the interval of every hour. Some of my friends also told me that they do ‘nap’ a lot, but in my case it is rare.

However, since everybody is dealing with this situation and of course many people must be having difficulty in this. In my case, this pandemic enhanced my General Knowledge as well as increased my English vocabulary. They are listed below in random order.
  • Coronavirus — never heard of this word before
  • SARS — never knew this happened in 2003
  • Pandemic — wasn’t familiar with this word apart from “epidemic”
  • Lockdown — being in this situation for the first time in my entire lifetime. (Only the instances I have heard of were curfews in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir last year and in Nepal several years ago due to the insurgence of Nepalese Maoist party
  • Stockpiling — I know these words separately as their individual meanings but not as a compound
  • Self-isolating — the word I was familiar with is from Buddhist context where one needs to go to a secluded area to isolate from the society and practice meditation ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️ ๐Ÿง˜‍♂️ (Additionally, the Buddhist concept of isolating from the society seems to be useful as well as traditional Indian way of greeting others with folded hands (namaste) ๐Ÿ™  is being adopted as well)
  • Quarantine — I am still confused with this word's meaning. 
  • Social-distancing — though I am kind of an ‘introvert’, I had always aspired to be a socializing person (which I could never do but always admired others). But the COVID is making people ‘physically’ away from others—not new for insiders like me though
  • I was not aware that Italy is the second most country with old-aged population — I still do not know the first
  • Also learned that a city called 'Wuhan' existed in China ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • Learned that staying within a small room for several days is possible
  • People come together irrespective of religion, caste, and race at this type of serious situation
  • Immunity-herd — still not clear with its meaning though

There are still many more to learn and of course to jot down and create a beautiful blog. My limited brain seems to have no more to write at the moment. When I remember or learn new things during this lockdown, I definitely would love to write down (apart from my ongoing essay) and post them here.

Till then, stay home, stay safe.

All classes turned into online. Not bad though. This will also give the universities better idea how to deal with situation should it occur in the future (though I pray that this situation never occurs again).


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