
Character Creating

Well, it’s been more than a year since I last made a post. Although I  did  write some, I was unable to make a post. Also, there were much other stuff that kept me occupied. Posted below is a piece of article I wrote as a practice when I took an online course,  Start Writing Fiction , taught at  FutureLearn . It was a good course on how to create a character when we write fiction. Of course there are many methods writers follow, mine is based on the guidelines I received from the course provided by the  Open University . Since I had plenty of time during the first lockdown period (early 2021), I also engaged with other learners and added constructive feedback that one of my colleagues gave. 

Finding the Unfound (Part 2)

As I wrote an article  about trying different things and finding hidden talents within, I found some cooking skills in me. 😊 Before this, I would like to narrate some of my cooking stories from the past. I have very few memories of cooking for I grew up in a hostel where the meals were served in a shared kitchen. Only the time we would cook was during some weekends that we (mostly initiated by friends) would prepare food on our own just for the change of taste. I was always a lazy lad, and hence when we divide the cooking responsibilities, e.g. buying vegetables, cooking and washing dishes, I would always choose to do the dishes. I used to think cooking is complicated for it included more activities such as clean, peel, cut, cook properly, and so on. I preferred to stay waiting for the food to be ready and go to wash. 😊 On the contrary, I never got bored of washing dishes though. In a way, it was my responsibility, and I was obliged to do so. My friends were so kind that

Finding the Unfound (Part 1)

Amidst the ongoing pandemic, lockdown and self-isolation I seem to have found myself that was unfounded in me so far. I have always considered myself to be the worst artist in terms of drawing or at any other artworks that include the usage of hands. Moreover, drawing has never been my cup of tea; never until I started picking up a pen and scribbling on paper to kill the boredom. I started drawing randomly, whatever comes in my mind. I tried drawing leaves, flowers and random fancy English letters that I could think of. They were quite bad but I continued. Once I was done, I took a picture of them and they looked quite good on the screen. This illusion encouraged me to draw more. I went on and drew a few more of them. I again used my mobile camera to capture them to bask myself in the glory. I then started finding basic pictures on Google and attempted copying as much as I can. They were not so bad though. I have been looking at the news and reading on the internet people urging

Cheerful Weather

Amidst the COVID-19 and the lockdown that is making everybody's life miserable, the weather here in the UK has become beautiful. Just looking at the sky delights one's heart and makes us forget everything, i.e. fear of getting the virus and losing jobs, changes in the study mode, not finding enough supplies in supermarkets, loneliness, and the list goes on ad infinitum .  Days have become longer—the sun rises as early as 6 am and sets as late as 8 pm. This is completely new to me but I am quite enjoying the new experience. The chirpings of the birds and some weird sounds of the seagulls early in the mornings give me a mixture of feeling but I tend to listen more to the birds making melodious sounds that boost me up, push me out of the bed and generate positive feelings to sustain all day regardless of what is going around. Luckily, I have a sun-facing window from where I can receive direct sunlight till the afternoon that cheers me up, and energises to see things positi

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Everyone can see what is happening around the world due to this global pandemic which is putting everybody’s life under threat.  I am deeply saddened by the ones who lost their lives and people related to them. I am also in solidarity with them who are affected and fighting their best to recover. And of course, massive THANKS go to the health workers, social workers and others who are directly or indirectly related to this meritorious act. Moreover, I am glad to see the patience of our people who are coming together adhering to follow the government’s instructions and isolating themselves. View from my window. Thanks to the British weather. It is becoming warmer, brighter, sunnier and more cheerful since the lockdown started. P.S. Ignore my dirty window-glass.  In my case, due to the lockdown, the COVID made me more punctual but unfortunately transformed into becoming a glutton. I do feel like eating within the interval of every hour. Some of my friends also told me

Childhood Crush

Everybody has m emories to share from their childhood whether they are bitter or sweet. We sometimes do not want to reflect on those incidents they were traumatic or those that left us with bad memories. Similarly, some moments were to be cherished throughout our lifetime and one never gets tired of talking about them. In my case, when I go back to my childhood, especially school days, I cannot remember much of the incidents. However, there is one among few moments that I felt like blogging today. 

Tried to be fancy

Once I had adapted à la mode of using fancy words with a hope of improving my English. I tried finding several fancy words from different sources and presented a writing below with an intent to impress my English teacher. These are of course quite complicated and I also do not remember/know what most of these word mean. However, my English teacher, with compassion, took some time to read this and gave me long, elaborated comments.