Random thought

What could one expect the vacation to be other than getting to watch a lot of movies of one's choice, roaming around, learning things that one is interested in, and most importantly, being with the people one loves the most. Above all of these, getting to sleep till late morning is incomparable for someone like me who is recently out of the 10 months' strict rules in hostel. However, as per the nature's rule, these enjoyment too will be gone like the strict days in hostel were gone. Then again something else will come up one after another ad infinitum till we get rid of this samsara.
I wonder if there is any particular thing that remains forever. Even the most expressed line by one's lover "I love you forever" is mere words and doesn't seem to last forever. Thinking upon this, one can deduce that there's nothing that stays permanently and there's no need to cling on these worldly things.
I always use to wonder how are the things beyond the world? Are they also momentary like the things in this world? Are the things there exactly same as explained in various religious texts? Or is it just as scientists proved them to be? Can one really see the things beyond world? Is there any possibility to travel to those places and come back? I wish if there's an agent who provides us to visit there in package. Hopefully, someone will start this package business some day and we all will be taken to those places as per the package and return back safely. It will be like 'tour de outer world'. OK now, I've thought my brand's name. I will give this name if I ever happened to think of doing this business. You all are welcome!


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